〔 プロフィール 〕

2019年1月19日にはベストアルバム –LIBRARY- 、-MUSEUM-を2枚同時発売。
2022年2月23日「やなぎなぎ 10周年記念 セレクションアルバム -Roundabout-」を発売。
2022年ソロ・メジャーデビュー10周年を迎え、10周年にちなみ10個のProjectを発表し、3月~12月まで10周年ライブを毎月開催、隔月新曲をデジタルリリースし12月23日には6枚目のアルバム「Branch」を発売。 2024年3月20日には7枚目のアルバム「ホワイトキューブ」を発売。
アニメに関わらずドラマの挿入歌やゲームの楽曲も手掛けており、TVアニメ「Just Because!」では音楽プロデュースも担当。
2019年1月19日にはベストアルバム –LIBRARY- 、-MUSEUM-を2枚同時発売。
2022年2月23日「やなぎなぎ 10周年記念 セレクションアルバム -Roundabout-」を発売。
2022年ソロ・メジャーデビュー10周年を迎え、10周年にちなみ10個のProjectを発表し、3月~12月まで10周年ライブを毎月開催、隔月新曲をデジタルリリースし12月23日には6枚目のアルバム「Branch」を発売。 2024年3月20日には7枚目のアルバム「ホワイトキューブ」を発売。
アニメに関わらずドラマの挿入歌やゲームの楽曲も手掛けており、TVアニメ「Just Because!」では音楽プロデュースも担当。
yanaginagi(やなぎなぎ yanaginagi, born May 31)is a Japanese singer/songwriter from Kansai, Japan.
She tries to make the whims of our daily life, fill with nostalgia, for example like the music at a scene of a fairy tale.
From 2009, she was invited by the entertainment unit supercell to become their guest vocalist named“nagi”.
In 2011, a special project named「Jun Maeda×yanaginagi」began.
yanaginagi made her solo debut with her first single “Vidro Moyou ” (ビードロ模様) released on February 29, 2012.
Her delicate and unforgettable voice once heard will open up your mind to a new world supported by impressive music.
yanaginagi’s main music history
★1st single “Vidro Moyou ” (ビードロ模様)
Released on February 29, 2012. That song is used as the ending theme to the 2012 anime TV series 『Ano Natsu de MatteruWaiting In The Summer(あの夏で待ってる)』.
★2nd single “Ambivalentidea”
Released on June 6, 2012; the song is used as the ending theme to the 2012 anime TV series 『Jormungand(ヨルムンガンド)』.
★3rd single “Laterality” (ラテラリティ)
Released on November 7, 2012; the song is used as the ending theme to Jormungand’s second season 『Jormungand: PERFECT ORDER (ヨルムンガンド PERFECT ORDER)』.
★4th single “Zoetrope”
Released on January 30, 2013; the title track is used as the opening theme to the 2013 anime series 『AMNESIA』.
★5th single “Yukitoki” (ユキトキ)
Released on April 17, 2013; the song will be used as the opening theme to the 2013 anime series 『My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU』 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru(やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。)』.
★6th single“Aquaterrarium”(アクアテラリウム)
Released on November 20, 2013; the title track is used as the ending theme to the 2013 anime series『Nagi no Asukara (凪のあすから)』
★7th single“Mitsuba no Musubime” (三つ葉の結びめ)
Released on February 19, 2014; the title track is used as the ending theme to Nagi no Asukara’s second season the 2013-2014 anime series『Nagi no Asukara (凪のあすから)』.
★8th single “Tokohana” (トコハナ)
Released on June 4, 2014; the title track is used as the ending theme to the 2014 anime series 『BLACK BULLET (ブラック・ブレット)』.
★9th single “Sweet Track”
Released on December 24, 2014; the title track is used as the theme to December 2014 TV『Sukkiri (スッキリ!!)』
★10th single “Harumodoki”
Released on June 3, 2015; the song will be used as the opening theme to the 2015 anime series 『My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU』 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Zoku(やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続)』.
★1st Album “euaru”(エウアル)
Released on July 3, 2013
★2nd Album “polyomino”(ポリオミノ)
Released on December 3, 2014
She tries to make the whims of our daily life, fill with nostalgia, for example like the music at a scene of a fairy tale.
From 2009, she was invited by the entertainment unit supercell to become their guest vocalist named“nagi”.
In 2011, a special project named「Jun Maeda×yanaginagi」began.
yanaginagi made her solo debut with her first single “Vidro Moyou ” (ビードロ模様) released on February 29, 2012.
Her delicate and unforgettable voice once heard will open up your mind to a new world supported by impressive music.
yanaginagi’s main music history
★1st single “Vidro Moyou ” (ビードロ模様)
Released on February 29, 2012. That song is used as the ending theme to the 2012 anime TV series 『Ano Natsu de MatteruWaiting In The Summer(あの夏で待ってる)』.
★2nd single “Ambivalentidea”
Released on June 6, 2012; the song is used as the ending theme to the 2012 anime TV series 『Jormungand(ヨルムンガンド)』.
★3rd single “Laterality” (ラテラリティ)
Released on November 7, 2012; the song is used as the ending theme to Jormungand’s second season 『Jormungand: PERFECT ORDER (ヨルムンガンド PERFECT ORDER)』.
★4th single “Zoetrope”
Released on January 30, 2013; the title track is used as the opening theme to the 2013 anime series 『AMNESIA』.
★5th single “Yukitoki” (ユキトキ)
Released on April 17, 2013; the song will be used as the opening theme to the 2013 anime series 『My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU』 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru(やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。)』.
★6th single“Aquaterrarium”(アクアテラリウム)
Released on November 20, 2013; the title track is used as the ending theme to the 2013 anime series『Nagi no Asukara (凪のあすから)』
★7th single“Mitsuba no Musubime” (三つ葉の結びめ)
Released on February 19, 2014; the title track is used as the ending theme to Nagi no Asukara’s second season the 2013-2014 anime series『Nagi no Asukara (凪のあすから)』.
★8th single “Tokohana” (トコハナ)
Released on June 4, 2014; the title track is used as the ending theme to the 2014 anime series 『BLACK BULLET (ブラック・ブレット)』.
★9th single “Sweet Track”
Released on December 24, 2014; the title track is used as the theme to December 2014 TV『Sukkiri (スッキリ!!)』
★10th single “Harumodoki”
Released on June 3, 2015; the song will be used as the opening theme to the 2015 anime series 『My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU』 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Zoku(やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続)』.
★1st Album “euaru”(エウアル)
Released on July 3, 2013
★2nd Album “polyomino”(ポリオミノ)
Released on December 3, 2014